You pull out of your garage, get to the end of the driveway and then which way do you turn?
It all depends on where you are going
If we want to head North to visit with our youngest daughter we would turn right out of our driveway, but if we wanted to go to Southern Alberta to visit my eldest daughter then we would turn left.
Next month I am heading to the coast? Why? To visit with my daughter who will be ready to deliver her second baby our sixth grandchild.
The first most important question to ask your self is …
Where am I going? And the second most important question is Why?
Have you written out a clear description of what it is that you really want?
You may have been told to do this many times … but!! Where is it that you want to end up? What does it look like?
If you were heading out to go grocery shopping you would already have a clear idea in your mind where to go, which direction to leave your driveway. You would know where to turn right or left and which lights to turn at.
If you didn’t know where it was how would you ever find the grocery store? You would be driving everywhere going down random streets until you found a store to buy groceries, and it may not be the one you like, but since you don’t know where that store is this one will have to do.
Does this sound familiar with your own life? You wander thru each day having experiences but not really the ones you want, but you just make do.
What is it that you want to accomplish? What experiences do you want to have?
Write it down!! A goal unwritten is only a wish!
When you get to the end of your life what do you want to be able to look back upon?
You know, all over this world there are people dying every few minutes… look around you … hey!! We are all alive!! That means you still have time!! You have been given a life, and what is it that you are going to do with it?
On my 40th birthday I received this knowledge into my soul… THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!!
‘How you do anything is how you do everything’
What you think about you bring about.
The results you are experiencing right now are based on the thoughts you have been continually telling yourself
And what you are thinking about right now is determining your future!
And YOU are responsible for each and every thought that you think, every feeling you feel and every action you take.
Now put a circle around these three things, thoughts, feelings, actions. This circle is called your Circle of Responsibility.
Outside of the circle you can place several letter X’s. Each X represents excuses.
‘It snowed’, ‘I didn’t feel well’, ‘my spouse didn’t wake me up’….. etc..
We attended a 3 day seminar that was about one and half hours away. It was cold, snowy and dark the morning we left. We got out of the house later than we had wanted, and with the weather, and the traffic in the city we were LATE!
Now in my mind I kept thinking all sorts of things, well I was very tired and found it hard to get up any earlier than we did… Excuse!! … The roads were messier than we anticipated… EXCUSE!!
I felt rude coming in late and realized that each thought I was having was trying to justify my actions, but there wasn’t any excuse, we were late because we did not make attending on time a big enough priority. We could have gotten up earlier knowing that the roads and traffic in the city would slow us down. We live in Alberta and have enough knowledge of winter weather to know this.
There are no excuses!!
When you don’t know where you are going, and the outcomes you want to experience then you may find yourself out here, outside of your circle of responsibility, making excuses and blaming life for the results and circumstances you are experiencing.
Let me tell you a little secret… lean over … listen carefully….
Life Happens… to everyone!!!
But is life happening to you or with you?
So here is a really simple formula –
Know what you want and why… this is your key
Keeping your thoughts, feelings and actions in harmony with what you want and why, is the engine that drives you towards the fulfillment of your desires, of what it is that you really want.
And helping people discover their key, and then coaching them along to get the engine going is what I do.
You cannot start the engine until you have the key.