Where did our children go? As a grandmother I still find it so hard to comprehend that the mothers of my grandchildren were once my little babies.
Where did my little children disappear to? When did they disappear? It’s like looking at a long straight stretch of highway that has a slight curve in the road many km away. You can see the cars for such a long distance down the road, and then they reach the point in the curve of the road, where they vanish out of sight.
Cuddles with Papa so Long Ago
Happy New Year's Eve Fun
This is how I view parenting. At what time, or point in the road did our children suddenly vanish and become grown?
When did they no longer want to play jump rope, or tag and just goof around, or climb on your lap or sit all around you wanting you to read ‘But No Elephants!’ just one more time?
Are you able to recall that moment when they reached the vanishing point? Do you recall when you reached the vanishing point, and left childhood behind and were so eager to move on to new and greater adventures?
If you are still in the midst of parenthood, where you have wonderful little children clambering all around you, then for today, just stop whatever you are doing and please give each of them a huge big hug for me. Gather them all around you and pull out their favourite books and take the time to read with them, just for me.
Cousin Time
And when you put them to bed tonight express gratitude for another precious day spent together because you never know which tomorrow it will be when they too will reach the vanishing point.